Quels seront les matériaux forestiers du futur ?


Représentant près de 40 % du total de la consommation des énergies renouvelables, le bois est sans conteste un matériau du passé, du présent et d’avenir. Excellente alternative aux énergies fossiles et aux matériaux gourmands en énergie, le bois présente un grand nombre d’avantages et peut être utilisés sous diverses formes. Focus sur les matériaux du futur de la filière forêt-bois, une filière qui emploie 400 000 personnes en France.

Le bois, un matériau écologique et économique

Il abonde dans la nature (les forêts couvrent près de 30 % du territoire français) et est très abordable si on le compare aux énergies fossiles comme le pétrole, ou à d’autres sources d’énergie renouvelable comme les panneaux solaires ou les éoliennes. Les bois est apprécié pour ses nombreuses vertus, qui vont bien au-delà de son caractère écologique et de son prix accessible. Ce matériau est un très bon isolant thermique et acoustique. Il résiste bien au froid et à la chaleur, lui permettant ainsi d’affronter des chocs thermiques importants et différentes conditions climatiques. Il peut être associé à d’autres matériaux et les éléments qui le composent, notamment la cellulose, peuvent être réutilisés.

Les utilisations insoupçonnées du bois

Energie, transport, construction, menuiserie, ébénisterie, industrie, agriculture, ameublement et décoration, chimie, papeterie : le bois est omniprésent dans des secteurs d’activité aussi nombreux que divers. Du bois de chauffage ou charbon de bois aux biocarburants, des charpentes au carton et aux caisses pour stocker les fruits & légumes, le bois occupe une place importante dans notre quotidien. Aujourd’hui, beaucoup voient en lui une solution aux problèmes environnementaux, une lueur d’espoir pour relever les défis liés au changement climatique. Par exemple, les emballages en plastique sont peu à peu remplacés par les emballages en bois. Mélangé au plastique, il permet d’obtenir un matériau précieux dans le secteur du bâtiment doté de très bonnes propriétés isolantes : le bois-composite. Le secteur du BTP emploie aussi le bois en lamelles aussi résistantes que le béton grâce à une technique appelée lamellé-collé. Les innovations technologiques offrent la possibilité d’élargir davantage les utilisations du bois. La cellulose peut aujourd’hui être convertie en fibres textiles, en films électroniques ou en fibre de carbone. Ce matériau léger et ultrarésistant est employé dans plusieurs secteurs comme l’aéronautique, l’éolien et le sport (cyclisme, tennis).

Bois et incendies

Le bois n’est pas si vulnérable face au feu qu’on ne pourrait le croire. Lorsqu’une petite surface est carbonisée, une structure en bois reste solide et laisse aux pompiers le temps d’intervenir. Contrairement au métal, il ne se déforme pas sous l’effet de la chaleur.


Le bois sous toutes ses formes (bûches, copeaux, etc), les feuilles et d’autres matières organiques sont aujourd’hui transformés en énergies propres regroupées sous le terme de biomasse. Cette énergie renouvelable, qui a la particularité d’avoir une consommation égale ou inférieure à la régénération, est surtout utilisée dans la production de chaleur, la production d’énergie et le transport. C’est grâce à elle que sont produits les biocarburants.

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    Xopabom  1:27 AM - juin 5, 2021 Répondre

    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

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    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

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    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

    Xopabom  2:47 PM - mars 11, 2021 Répondre

    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

    Xopabom  1:37 PM - mars 9, 2021 Répondre

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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

    Xopabom  8:25 PM - mars 7, 2021 Répondre

    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
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    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.

    Xopabom  8:16 PM - mars 5, 2021 Répondre

    Buy instant sleeping pills Sleeping gas Nitrous oxide. Buy instant sleeping pills, sleeping gas, nitrous oxide. Hypnotic immediate action and sleeping drug.
    Buy immediate sleeping pills
    Funds total anesthesia momentary « Chemical Dream », was developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company in 1995 for the Ministry of Defense of Israel.
    For 13 years, used exclusively in some of the Israeli troops. At the end of December 2008, after the use of these drugs in the military operation « Cast Lead », the press received information about the use of an unknown gas Israeli secret services. After the incident in the Gaza Strip, by order of the Magistrate Court of Israel, Israel’s Defense Ministry lifted the ban on the production of these drugs.
    In 2010, « ArdamaH » has been licensed with the company « Teva-Israel » has launched a production line of the strongest anesthetic « Chemical Dream » under the control of the company « ArdamaH ».
    General anesthesia, also known as general anesthesia, mean insensitivity to pain with complete loss of consciousness, which is achieved by the use of anesthetics that affect the higher centers of the brain.